Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Slice of Life Day 8: Rain

Rain is horrible. Why must we go to gym when it's raining!?!? We trek both ways in the mud, soiling and staining our pants and shoes. Our hair gets wet and messed up, and our clothes gets soaked, leaving us to sit cold and wet in Latin class. We try to navigate over or around puddles, but to no avail. The water seeps through the thin fabric of our shoes and in to our socks, leaving our feet wet. When we finally get inside, we feel disgusting as the water evaporates from our bodies.

Today, once I got into the Brookdale gym building, I wiped my feet on the throw rug. I could see dozens of wet footprints spanning the entire tile floor. I turned left to go down the wet stairs, but only made it about five steps before slipping down the rest of the flight. I know, I'm soooo coordinated, right? (Thanks for laughing, Erica...) Well, I landed in a sitting position, and it still hurts. :(

Lesson learned: Stairs have handrails for a reason.


  1. Wouldn't it be nice if there was another way to get to the gym? Like, if Darby had to walk there, and _we_ could take the golf cart?

  2. Aww, that’s terrible that you fell down the stairs! It must have been a really painful experience :) Whenever I wear my Bear Paws to school, I always end up slipping one way or another just as I turn into the freshman hallway. I had to walk all the way to Lincroft Elementary today (which takes about a half an hour) in the soaking rain! We really should have gotten a mini bus for transportation, but at least all that walking gave me exercise (which I badly needed).

    1. Haha why don't I remember your bear claws? :D Wear them!!

  3. Speaking of exercise Raji, when was the last time I exercised? Maybe a month ago? Anyways, I gained 5 pounds, which makes me a little over a hundred. I feel like an elephant. And my feet actually MAKE SOUND NOW WHEN I WALK. It's such a weird feeling...
    But Amanda, are you ok? Sit on ice packs! I speak from experience ;D
    And I heard Mr. Darby does sometimes let favorites take the golf cart...however, Hannah, Mr. Darby does sometimes walk to Brookdale with us. Of course, only on the sunshiny days. xD

    1. Yes I'm okay. :) And same with the exercise thing. Who has time for that anymore...?

      Homework > exercise

  4. I loved your word choice and your description. While I was reading your slice my feet got cold. Great job!
